Acoustic panels make a world of difference to your ears… they are adjusted to your sound system to selectively absorb, diffuse and reflect sound~ to optimally enhance and acoustically balance your listening environment. These are a must in any media room, and we’ve also helped a slew of local businesses mitigate noisy bars and restaurants with custom colors, shapes, and designs for places including Curate, Asheville Proper, Post 25 Kitchen and Lounge.

Acoustic Panels can be both functional and look great! With a multitude of fabrics and colors you can suite your decor while absorbing stubborn echos and noise.
You can even have custom printed acoustic panels featuring photographs, artwork or your logo. The possibilities are endless and we are happy to help with design. We will also install these panels to ensure they are just the way you want them to look.
Let us know how we can help control noise and reverb and help it all look amazing.

See and hear the before and after with this acoustic panel installation:
Here is another creative and decorative solution for sound absporption:
Talk to us. We're here to help.
(828) 250-9800 or
936 Tunnel Rd
Asheville, NC 28805
Call Us
Sales: 828-250-9800 x4
Support: 828-250-9800 x2
9-5:30PM EST Monday-Friday
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